The health benefits of having sex; stress reduction, decreased blood pressure, happiness, and a youthful glow do not occur just because you’re having sex, they are the result of the chemical reactions that occur in the body and the brain during sex.
Many people are missing out on these very beneficial chemical reactions and the good feelings they bring about because they do not have partners or they have partners who do not or cannot satisfy them.
No matter what the reason, whether it be divorce, separation, death, military deployment, illness, or just not having a suitable or healthy partner many people will have periods in their lives when they do not have a satisfying lover. And those who are married are not immune from this state of being. In fact it has been reported that up to 40% of American marriages are sexless. So how can those who do not have partners or who have a partner that is not getting the job done enjoy the mental physical and emotional benefits of sex.
Sex for One: The first thing that comes to mine when discussing sex without a partner is self-loving, also known, as masturbation. Masturbation is natural in the human experience, even while in the womb humans engage in this activity. It's "safe sex" it has no risk of disease and is readily available. In her book Sex for One Betty Dodson helps to release the taboo of self-love and takes you on a journey toward becoming your very own lover for life. In it you'll learn satisfying techniques that you can later teach to a partner should you choose to find one.
Self loving is a liberating activity that decreases the stress, anxiety and desperation that can evolve during long periods of abstinence. Having a healthy supply of sex toys, setting aside special time for you to do you to get to know each other better and setting the mood will enhance your experience and make the activity
really worth wild and a high point in your self loving life. There are several other things you can do outside of self-loving that can render the same physical and emotional benefits as having sex for example there is;
Massage Therapy: During sex and massage the love hormone oxytocin that brings feelings of warmth, comfort, and love of life is emitted, as is serotonin, the major chemical involved in the relief of depression. According to studies conducted by the National Institute of Health massage therapy can ease feelings of isolation, depression, anxiety and pain.
If you’ve ever had a massage you know how satisfying and soothing they can be. After having massage the feelings of floating on air and wanting a good nap can
easily alleviate intense sexual desire and leave you feeling good all over.
Having a massage on a regular basis can be a part of a very satisfying sex for one lifestyle. You can find out more about massage and how to choose a massage therapist by visiting the American Massage Therapy Association website. And you can find inexpensive massage at massage therapy schools by visiting their student training clinics
Yoga: Many studies have shown that yoga can decrease blood pressure, ease pain, decrease feelings of depression and anxiety, improve muscle tone and increase circulation, all benefits of having sex that the National Institute of Health attribute to yoga.
Personally I believe yoga is heaven sent. It has helped
me to keep my youthful glow and my sanity. As a person who suffers from recurrent bouts
of depression I swear by the healing and satisfying effects of a yoga practice.
me to keep my youthful glow and my sanity. As a person who suffers from recurrent bouts
of depression I swear by the healing and satisfying effects of a yoga practice.
Aromatherapy: According the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, aromatherapy produces both emotional and physical effects that include stress relief, sleep improvement, mood boosting, hormone regulation that will ease PMS, muscle relaxation, immune system stimulation, and enhance blood circulation. Two of the most commonly used aromatherapy oils Lavender and Frankensince oils can produce the same chemical responses that one has when deeply in love and help you to feel relaxed and satisfied.
These natural therapies and others like regular exercise, having a spiritual practice, and a love life with friends and family where you actively hug, smile and laugh are all ways bring about mental, physical and emotional satisfaction and will help you to have a very loving life.